Pre-school Eindhoven

You are looking for a pre-school location in Eindhoven for your child. To help children start developing and exploring their talents, Kindercentrum de Droomwereld started with pre-schooling for children aged two to four years old. Whether your child will be transferring to salto school ‘De Hasselbraam’ or another primary school of your choice, your child is welcome regardless!

At our child friendly playground in Spilcentrum Rochusbuurt, children come into contact with other children of their age and develop a great foundation for their further development. As the toddlers play, frolic, puzzle, cycle or make art, they learn social skills, morals and values through play. Our childcare professionals provide a stable, safe environment where children have all of the space they need to develop their skills in the most optimised way.

The children are divided into groups; each group has a capacity of 16 children and is under the care of two fixed childcare professionals. Our professionals are trained according to the ‘Pyramid’ pre-school education method and are very well equipped to guide the children’s development. They provide boundaries where necessary, while also giving the children the opportunity to make their own decisions.

Funding options for pre-school
The municipality of Eindhoven wants all children aged two years and three months to four years to participate in a pre-school program for at least 8 hours a week. Families that are not eligible for childcare allowance may be able to obtain a subsidy. The municipality of Eindhoven also provides subsidies for children with an existing VE-indication. If you would like to know more about this subject, please inquire at the administration office.

Walk-in play sessions
On Wednesday afternoons during school weeks, children aged zero to two years and three months are welcome to join our walk-in play sessions at our Tuinstraat location with their parents.

These sessions are divided in two groups: the first starts at 2:00 am and lasts until 3.30 pm and the second starts at 3.30 pm and lasts until 5:00 pm.

During our walk-in play sessions, children and their parents can participate in several activities. This way, parents have the opportunity to get to know each other and the children get to play together.

If you want to join a walk-in play session, please contact us so we can schedule your visit.

Other than Pre-school, Kindercentrum de Droomwereld also provides:
– Daycare for children aged zero to four years old
– After-school care for additional play and socialisation after school hours

Would you like to know more? Please inquire at the administration office, located at Lucas Gasselstraat 4, Eindhoven.


Wilt u een kijkje nemen in ons kindercentrum?
Wij geven u met plezier een rondleiding in ons kinderdagverblijf.

U kunt hiervoor contact met de administratie opnemen op telefoonnummer 040-2134296 of het contactformulier invullen.

Hebt u vragen of opmerkingen, wilt u een informatiepakket ontvangen? Vul hier uw gegevens in en wij nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op.

De gegevens die u op dit formulier invult worden intern gebruikt voor een professionele bedrijfsvoering.


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Kindercentrum de Droomwereld

Lucas Gasselstraat 4 5613 LB Eindhoven T: 040-2134296

Spilcentrum Rochusbuurt

Tuinstraat 6
5611 PL Eindhoven
T: 040-2134296